Rauri de stele visinii
O pata de alb pe o pagina neagra...
Bine ai nimerit pe umila mea pagina electronica, unde imi astern de obicei gandurile. Sper sa iti placa ce vei citii aici si poate, de ce nu, sa te inspire si pe tine. Vizionare placuta!
Citat inspirativ: " Mai bine sa iubesti si sa pierzi decat sa nu iubesti niciodata! "luni, 13 iunie 2016
Ramai Vis
De toti am stii ce am facut;
Oricum e mult prea greu.
Ramai in gandul meu si taci!
Aici te stiu doar eu.
De cum vorbim schimbam ceva,
Oricum, as prefera in vis;
Ramai asa cum esti acum.
Asa... nimic nu este trist.
"Ramai, te rog, un vis frumos."
E tot ce imi doresc.
Mai mult nicicum nu pot concepe;
Atat de bine iti sta in vis!
marți, 5 aprilie 2016
I can sleep if people talk,
I can sleep if the dogs bark.
I can sleep if train goes by,
But then again I wonder why?
I can sleep if a bomb blows,
I sleep by any noise..
But even if I tried so much
I can't sleep because of you!
marți, 11 septembrie 2012
Memorie, memorie...
Memorie, menorie... Nu mai stiu numarul.
Nu stiu de ce.
Nu stiu cand.
Nu imi amintesc de cate ori sa mai intamplat pana acum.
Imi amintesc ca nu imi amintesc, doar stiu ca sa intamplat.
Confuzia copacului caruia ii cad in toamna frunzele; O piatra rece este scaldata pentru prima data in caldura soarelui dupa ce a fost acoperita de zapada o iarna intreaga; Frica ce cuprinde prada cand este vanata; Mancare delicioasa fara gust; Existi si totusi nu apartii.
Stiu. Nimic nu are sens, nu se leaga si totusi, au acelas punct comun. Compun un singur sentiment... nu, nu sentiment, o boala.
Sunt inconjurata de oameni pe care ii cunosc, de lucruri cunoscute dar, intr-o clipa totul devine anormal, necunoscut, infricosator.
Fiori reci ma cuprind si in acelas timp fierb in interior. Uit notiunea de a respira, devine din ce in ce mai greu, mai inecacios - sangele isi uita cursul, se blocheaza, iar inima cuprinsa de amnezie; acum nu mai bate, acum bate prea puternic.
Functiile locomotorii - ce e asta? Sa ma prind de ceva cand picioarele imi sunt inmuiate de atata discordanta?! Dar mainile, si ele sunt cuprinse de tulburari motorii.
Implulsurile, memoria neagra asa cum o numesc eu, ma salveaza.
Privesc in jur, caut raspunsuri la miliarde de intrebari ce isi fac loc inauntrul creierului meu confuz... cercetez, colorez toate acele imagini sterse, recreez ceea ce era deja creat si refuz.
Memorie, memorie... - Refuz sa te pierd, refuz sa cedez - .
miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011
December! Letter for Santa :D
How I wish for snow, how I wish for you, how I wish for everyone, how I wish for joy.
The lights are shining, the house is warm, people ar feeling the true way of a merry holiday.
The sound of Christmas Remixed Holiday Classics Re-Grooved - Happy Holidays (Beef Wellington Remix) makes me wanna dance. The only problem is; I wish for snow to step on it, to be covered by snow flakes, and dance with the very first snow man(girl) ;))
How I wish for snow on Christmas and New Year!
I' ll give you milk and cookies in return :D ;)
See you soon! On Christmas Eve :) ;)
The lights are shining, the house is warm, people ar feeling the true way of a merry holiday.
The sound of Christmas Remixed Holiday Classics Re-Grooved - Happy Holidays (Beef Wellington Remix) makes me wanna dance. The only problem is; I wish for snow to step on it, to be covered by snow flakes, and dance with the very first snow man(girl) ;))
How I wish for snow on Christmas and New Year!
I' ll give you milk and cookies in return :D ;)
See you soon! On Christmas Eve :) ;)
marți, 8 noiembrie 2011
SFG 2011

Se pot creea multe!
Se pot creea legaturi. Se pot creea imagini noi. Se pot creea noi oameni.
E pe punctul de a incepe! Editia a VIII- a a festivalului Serile Filmelor Gay si- a redeschis si anul acesta portile spre a fi patrunse. Acest festival este dedicat exclusiv Filmelor cu tematica gay avand drept public nu doar comunitatea, si in primul rand toate persoanele interesate sa cunoasca, sa- si deschida orizonturile, indiferent de orientare, religie sau culoare.
Totusi, in ciuda dedicarii exclusive asupra filmelor, acest festival, SFG, cuprinde si multe alte ramuri captivante; Scenete de teatru, Prezentari de moda, Galerii de arta, Dezbateri pe tema sexualitatii, a contactului sexual protejat, Actiuni de ecologizare, si multe altele.
Anul acesta, ca in fiecare an, Serile Filmelor Gay nu ne va dezamagi. Dinamismul cu care se va desfasura aceasta perioada a festivalului, 14- 20 noiembrie, va fi unul plin de culoare si incantare.
Ca voluntar al acestui festival as dorii ca prin acesta scurta prezentare sa va exprim dorinta mea ca toti cei interesati sa fie prezenti. Ve- ti fi surprinsi!

joi, 30 iunie 2011
Rain Palace ( Kuu - empty)
There was Kuu, an empty shell which taught her life is just a vessel that needs to be filled with something. She always felt lonely and useless but once she realised something.
Her wiew in life is just like a raging rain when she follows it through the protection of its window.
Is its own couldness or its warmness that makes her feel fear or joy. Drops that touches her skin gives hate or love. The first drops that are blown by the wind on the surface of the window is something compared with the confusion she allways feelt, every day or minute. But when the water fills all the dry spots on that glass it all become clear, as clear as a calmly sea or a bottom of a lake. Firts a hard to describe sight then a peacefull cristal clear.
A rain could make her cry or smile, shouting or singing. It uncovers her weaknesses, her strengths. It connects her with the rest of the living creatures through its fall and makes her feel what others feel. It creates a palat, a wet palat. A big conection reciving all those feelings released by hearts making all those one big flood beeing able to fill Kuu, an empty shell.
Rain can be calm and clear the path on wick Kuu is walking. This is what she belives.
Water drops can revive all things that are dead, but if you don't respect that, you may aswell lose ypurself into a deep could nothing.
Altho Kuu's expectance is not for you to see what she sees, she truly belives that those tears named rain drops have a lot more to say than just a leak.
Is its power to clear our sight that makes it strong and that power to build a chain in order to connect all living creatures leaves the feeling of a royalty wich overwhelms Kuu and makes her humble and grateful for filling her emptiness.
-Grateful for feeling alive-
Her wiew in life is just like a raging rain when she follows it through the protection of its window.
Is its own couldness or its warmness that makes her feel fear or joy. Drops that touches her skin gives hate or love. The first drops that are blown by the wind on the surface of the window is something compared with the confusion she allways feelt, every day or minute. But when the water fills all the dry spots on that glass it all become clear, as clear as a calmly sea or a bottom of a lake. Firts a hard to describe sight then a peacefull cristal clear.
A rain could make her cry or smile, shouting or singing. It uncovers her weaknesses, her strengths. It connects her with the rest of the living creatures through its fall and makes her feel what others feel. It creates a palat, a wet palat. A big conection reciving all those feelings released by hearts making all those one big flood beeing able to fill Kuu, an empty shell.
Rain can be calm and clear the path on wick Kuu is walking. This is what she belives.
Water drops can revive all things that are dead, but if you don't respect that, you may aswell lose ypurself into a deep could nothing.
Altho Kuu's expectance is not for you to see what she sees, she truly belives that those tears named rain drops have a lot more to say than just a leak.
Is its power to clear our sight that makes it strong and that power to build a chain in order to connect all living creatures leaves the feeling of a royalty wich overwhelms Kuu and makes her humble and grateful for filling her emptiness.
-Grateful for feeling alive-
luni, 15 noiembrie 2010
Spitalul de nebuni
Holuri in culori spirtoase, draperii bej oarecum inegrite de atmosfera inecata in nimic. Mirosul de mancare ma ingrozeste... e cantina medicala.
O femeie costumata cara pungi... organice, organe ascunse in pungi organice.
E criminala tacerea morbida... ma inrozeste... E pauza mare si totusi nimic. Toti sunt pierduti in saloane decretate, decedate persoane in saloane decretate.
Alerg spre o iesire, dar iesirea se termina la fumoar unde fumul impanzit ma impiedica sa vad iesirea din culoar. E cald dar, fiorii reci ma intepenesc. Scarile se alungesc, se inalta si coboara enorm de mult... eu unde ma tot duc?
Urc, ma opresc, urc si tot urc... Gasesc o alta scara; Cobor, nu ma mai opresc si tot cobor...
Inutil. Ma opresc in dreptul unui coridor si merg.
Pacienti asezati langa perete, pe jos, pe vine... vine Doctorul Negru, priveste pacientii pe vine, da verdictul si pleaca.
Toti sunt inumani, neatinsi de verdict. Au fetele picate in podea si capetele sus.
E o crima! Cum sa nu simti?
Distrusi, absenti spiritual... dispar.
Eu unde ma duc? Ei unde s- au dus?
Coridoare sterile, pastilate... acel insuportabil miros de mancare.
Pacienti morti sentimental, doctori negri, sumbri apar...
Verdictul meu este: " - Tu sa nu dispari! "
Pare spitalul de nebuni, dar nu. Nici morga nu- i... este escala mea in viata;
Spitalul psihic liceal... nu mor, nu dispar... ma transform in pura nebunie.
O femeie costumata cara pungi... organice, organe ascunse in pungi organice.
E criminala tacerea morbida... ma inrozeste... E pauza mare si totusi nimic. Toti sunt pierduti in saloane decretate, decedate persoane in saloane decretate.
Alerg spre o iesire, dar iesirea se termina la fumoar unde fumul impanzit ma impiedica sa vad iesirea din culoar. E cald dar, fiorii reci ma intepenesc. Scarile se alungesc, se inalta si coboara enorm de mult... eu unde ma tot duc?
Urc, ma opresc, urc si tot urc... Gasesc o alta scara; Cobor, nu ma mai opresc si tot cobor...
Inutil. Ma opresc in dreptul unui coridor si merg.
Pacienti asezati langa perete, pe jos, pe vine... vine Doctorul Negru, priveste pacientii pe vine, da verdictul si pleaca.
Toti sunt inumani, neatinsi de verdict. Au fetele picate in podea si capetele sus.
E o crima! Cum sa nu simti?
Distrusi, absenti spiritual... dispar.
Eu unde ma duc? Ei unde s- au dus?
Coridoare sterile, pastilate... acel insuportabil miros de mancare.
Pacienti morti sentimental, doctori negri, sumbri apar...
Verdictul meu este: " - Tu sa nu dispari! "
Pare spitalul de nebuni, dar nu. Nici morga nu- i... este escala mea in viata;
Spitalul psihic liceal... nu mor, nu dispar... ma transform in pura nebunie.
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